Universal Air Filters

Jenvey LS Airbox Filter
A Foam filter to suit the LS Airbox backplate ABLS1B. Mounts inside the air boxes.
Pipercross Alloy Neck Universal Air Filter 75mm
The range of Alloy neck universal filters is designed to fit all fuel injected engines using an intake pipe from the throttle body. Each lightweight cone features a spun aluminium neck attached to a high flow performance air filter element. Always fit the largest cone where possible to give the best performance gain. The spun neck has a built in ram pipe which forces the air into the engine, coupled with Pipercross high flow foam, it offers both the best air flow and a high level of engine protection.
Pipercross Alloy Neck Universal Air Filter 100mm
The range of Alloy neck universal filters is designed to fit all fuel injected engines using an intake pipe from the throttle body. Each lightweight cone features a spun aluminium neck attached to a high flow performance air filter element. Always fit the largest cone where possible to give the best performance gain. The spun neck has a built in ram pipe which forces the air into the engine, coupled with Pipercross high flow foam, it offers both the best air flow and a high level of engine protection.