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Chassissim Lap Simulation Software

ChassisSim is one of the worlds most advanced and accurate vehicle simulation packages. It is used in numerous professional open wheeler, sports car and touring car classes arond the world by teams looking for the edge.

If you want the best possible performance from your car, ChassisSim simulation is the ultimate tool. It will give you the information you need to maximize your car's performance for any given track. 

Read more: Chassissim Lap Simulation Software

Ferrari 360 Challenge Logger Kits

The Ferrari 360 Challenge race car comes from the factory, with what was in it's day, a reasonably competent data logging system based around a Magneti Marelli MT940 display and a MicroDas data logger. However, this technology is now over a decade old and has fallen behind a bit.

The solution is to step up to the latest from Magneti Marelli with an easy plug and play solution.

Read more: Ferrari 360 Challenge Logger Kits