Chassissim Lap Simulation Software

ChassisSim is one of the world’s most advanced and accurate vehicle simulation packages. It has been used by international open wheel formula teams, sports car and touring car teams, plus Australian V8 Supercar teams.
If you want the best possible performance from your car, ChassisSim simulation is the ultimate tool. It will give you the information you need to maximize your car's performance for any given track.
Chassissim Driver In The Loop Lap Simulator
Take your lap simulation to the next level by mating th edriver directly with your vehicle model in the Chassissim DIL.
Call for Price: +613-8743-5550
Chassissim Elite Lap Simulation Software
World leading lap simulation package with aero modelling, 3D tyre modelling, advanced circuit modelling and now Driver In the Loop module for evaluating set ups in a driving simulator.
Call for Price: +613-8743-5550
Chassissim Elite Online Starter Pack
Do you really want to know what makes your racecar work? Do you want a professional tool so you can explore all scenarios so that you can be prepared for the race weekend? If so then ChassisSim Elite Online is the product for you.
Call for Price: +613-8743-5550
Chassissim Set Up Service
Simulation without proper correlation is pure specualtion.
Need to step up your chassis development? Think you have an aero problem? And what the hell are your tyres doing anyway? Chassissim can help answer questions your race car raises in a simple to use spreadsheet and you own track data to verify where problems lie and areas that can be improved on.
Call for Price: +613-8743-5550
Chassissim Team Licence
The must have engineering software package for professional teams. Chassissim Team Licence gives you multi seat capability so multiple engineers can use Chassissim simulataneously as well as the powerful addiition of the Chassissim DIL (Driver In the Loop) module for extra validation.
Call for Price: +613-8743-5550